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I am very sorry to have to pass this message on to you all. 

From the family of Ioulia and Richard Jones.       

As agreed ages ago with our parents we are telling Robin and Julien as blog moderators that Ioulia and Richard are no more.

Ioulia fell ill at early February with a respiratory condition that it was clear this week she would never shake off. Richard moved into a hospital suite in the middle of February. Richard was with Ioulia all day and night until Ioulia’s final crisis very late on March 1st (Dewi Sant).

Richard was with Ioulia at the end. He then, as is usual in Orthodox Greece, asked for a few minutes alone with Ioulia. When the priest, doctors and family returned Richard had also slipped away. It was as if Ioulia had simply gathered him up ready for their journey together.

They did everything together. They had been married, in an Orthodox chapel in Stoke Newington during a German bombing raid, since April 1941.

The funeral, they will be laid side-by-side, is Monday 3rd March and the traditional Orthodox 40 day remembrance will be April 10th.

We now must work through their papers, books (fact and fiction) and decide on next steps. We must inform so many, many people all over the world. So much to do!

Finally, we have decided to keep Richard’s email open for ‘whenever’ and would ask you to keep his DSQUS account with your blog open, unless there is some security risk, as there is already uptake of interest in the younger family. If there is no eventual uptake we will let you both know.     


Richard Jones
