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Lefty lawyers like Starmer and Hermer have poisoned our children against Britain

The Attorney General and his ilk find virtue in every country’s point of view save their own

Daily Telegraph


Be it through the appalling Chagos deal or his work on behalf of Shamima Begum, Attorney General Lord Hermer has proven his dedication to putting Britain last Credit: Future Publishing via Getty

Breaking news: Lord Hermer, the Attorney General and the Prime Minister’s best friend from his barrister days, announced today that, as part of a package of measures to restore the country’s international reputation, the UK would be handing over the Falkland Islands to Argentina by June at the latest.

As part of a “very reasonable deal”, similar to the Chagos Islands giveaway which he helped to negotiate, the Government’s chief legal adviser said Britain would offer Argentina £20 billion upfront as an acknowledgement of past error while promising to buy all its corned beef in perpetuity.

Lord Hermer went further, committing Sir Keir Starmer’s administration to a package of slavery reparations to 14 countries costing a “very reasonable” £18.8 trillion. Lord Hermer said there was “a strong moral case” for the reparations and moves were already underway to sell the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey and Wiltshire to the Qataris in order to release funds to pay them.

The Attorney General, who has previously advised Caribbean countries on reparations, denied there was any conflict of interest because, “let’s face it, Britain was a nasty colonial oppressor which has had this coming for centuries”. He insisted he would always defend British interests unless the International Court of Justice ruled against British claims to sovereign territory, which he was not unpleased to note was “pretty much all the time”.

Despite the furore over his former client Gerry Adams being in line to receive millions in compensation for the inconvenience which Mr Adams suffered during the IRA Troubles, Lord Hermer is believed to be preparing a legal case challenging the so-called “decisive English victory” at the Battle of Agincourt in October 1415. The French, the Attorney General said, had reasonable cause to believe King Henry V and his army were not in fact “outnumbered”, as has repeatedly been claimed, but had cheated after the French soldiers paused for a five-course lunch.

Other battles subject to future judicial review, which cast this country in an unwarranted good light, include Trafalgar, Waterloo and Hastings. Lord Hermer has suggested that there is a “strong moral case” under international law for France to be given Kent. The UK can lease the county back for a “very reasonable” £11 billion over 10 years if it permits unlimited migrants to cross the Channel. In the past, Lord Hermer has described attempts to control British borders as “dehumanising”.

Smug elite

Truth or parody? If you find yourself struggling to tell the difference, well, you’re not alone. What is clear, I think, is that we have the most activist Attorney General in our history – he leans so far to the Left he may as well be a floorboard in TUC (Trades Union Congress) headquarters. His claim to provide “impartial legal advice” should be treated accordingly. Lord Hermer is a champagne socialist, a member of the luxury-beliefs class – that smug, bien-pensant elite untouched by the downsides of immigration like losing jobs to low-paid foreigners, scarcity of GP appointments and housing, watering down of national culture and sense of pride in being British.

Indeed, that same elite considers patriotism to be a vulgar spasm of little people so bigoted and insular they probably haven’t even got a villa in Umbria. Looking at his CV (which features Isis bride Shamima Begum as a client), it seems Richard Hermer has happily represented many adversaries of this country.

Lord Hermer and human-rights chums like Sir Keir Starmer and Philippe Sands KC have played a leading role in steering our nation towards a globalist utopia since 1997. But only now, with Labour back in power and emboldened by a huge majority, has the curtain been pulled back to reveal what those sly silks are up to. Selling England by the pound, and keep the change. The Chagos Islands surrender is so blatantly hostile to the national interest that even those of us who think atoll is something you pay to use a bridge have woken up and smelt the treachery.

Things have got so blatant that, this week, the Attorney General even found himself under attack from his own side. “The absolute archetype of an arrogant, progressive fool,” is the withering verdict of Lord (Maurice) Glasman who says Hermer “has to go” because he believes “that law is a replacement for politics. They talk about the rule of law but what they want is a rule of lawyers.”

Perfectly put. Hermer and Co owe their first allegiance to the International Court of Justice in The Hague, viewing the British people as a secondary, parochial irritation unless they can be made to cough up stonking amounts in aid and reparations for the greater good. Lord Glasman, the only Labour figure invited to the Trump inauguration, founded the Blue Labour group which campaigns for the kind of decent, common-sense values the Left used to stand for before it sold its doughty, working-class soul to woke metropolitans. We should welcome his attempt to point out the dangers of this increasingly influential fifth column.

Complete humiliation

Yesterday, I watched a video of Philippe Sands, who led the Chagossians’ repatriation case against the UK government, giving an interview after a student event at Jesus College, Cambridge, under the title: Britain and the World: From Chagos to Ukraine and Beyond.

When the interviewer suggested that Sands had “taken on a lot of cases against the UK, your home country,” he replied: “It’s a really fantastic thing about Britain that, I think, it’s probably the only country in the world where, when you’ve been to an international court against your own country, won and humiliated them completely, they still celebrate you.”

With no small satisfaction, Sands announced this was “special” because “how many other countries have the openness of mind and spirit to recognise that a member of their legal community... can be retained by another country to sue the United Kingdom in an international court and that is not held against you?” Most people in the UK, he averred cockily, were passionate supporters of that idea and did not agree “with all that ‘enemy of the people’ and ‘Lefty lawyer’ stuff”.

Really? Do we actually think the British people celebrate the complete humiliation in international courts of our nation at the hands of Leftist British barristers grown vastly rich on the proceeds of selling us out? Or might we, in fact, be sick to death of moral lectures from Sir Keir and his human-rights cronies who find virtue in every country’s point of view save their own?

Yes, yes, Allison, I hear you cry, but why not just ignore that ghastly, deluded crew whose world-class magnanimity doesn’t extend to normal people who can’t vote the Attorney General out since he only got the job because he’s Keir’s mate? Let me tell you why. Because it is not a coincidence that a Times survey this week found massive anti-British feeling on the rise among Gen Z (late teens and twentysomethings). Just look at the difference between 2024 and 2004:

Of course, some of that ferociously unpatriotic feeling may well be down to teaching in schools which avoids any uplifting lessons about our amazing island story, preferring to cast the Brits as rapacious oppressors and colonisers. Growth in the foreign-born population – now nearly 17 per cent of all residents – also weakens allegiance to the nation if there is no meaningful commitment to integration. However, much of the blame for this debilitating hatred of country in the face of all the evidence – the UK regularly comes in the top two least-racist countries in the world – must lie with Lord Hermer and the other “arrogant, progressive” fools.

As Sands admitted during that Cambridge interview, in no other country would it be considered a good thing to argue against your national interest. “[The Mauritius prime minister] wanted to find a British person that would act against the United Kingdom [over Chagos]. In fact, there are many people that would act against the UK. The entire community of the English Bar would be happy to do that,” said Sands to general mirth and approval.

What message does that send to our young people? Your country is now so liberal that things like loyalty and caring about your own kind are regarded as ridiculous, probably even racist?

Time and again, British voters have called for less immigration to protect their standard of living and preserve a precious way of life, but Lord Hermer and the human-rights lawyers sneer at us and say that border control is “dehumanising”.

Richard Hermer and his over-enlightened ilk have bred a farcical judicial system where a nasty Albanian criminal can avoid deportation partly because his son doesn’t like the kind of chicken nuggets they have abroad. A tribunal ruled it would be “unduly harsh” for the 10-year-old to return to Albania because of “food sensitivities”.

Leftie utopia

Give me strength. The Prime Minister has supported an appeal against that barmy ruling. What a hypocrite he is. It is Lefty lawyers like Starmer and Hermer who are the most devout believers in article eight of the European Convention on Human Rights which ranks a jailed immigrant’s right to family life above a Briton’s right to live in safety.

The quest to foist a progressive Lefty utopia on our country, the selling of national assets which we must then pick up the bill for, has no democratic legitimacy. In fact, we might well call it treason. If members of the elite continue to undermine and traduce the United Kingdom, siding with foreign powers against it, then our beloved country will cease to exist. Is that what they want? I have a terrible feeling it is. The Attorney General must go – the sooner the better.
