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EU is worse off without ‘British common sense’, says Hungary’s foreign minister

Peter Szijjarto attacks ‘United States of Europe’ idea and says Budapest sides with UK over sovereignty and migration issues

Source - Daily Telegraph 08/05/24


The European Union is missing a “big bunch” of British common sense after Brexit, Hungary’s foreign minister has said.

Peter Szijjarto attacked a federalist push for a “United States of Europe”, adding that none of the “very poor” leaders of the EU institutions deserved to stay in their jobs beyond June 2024’s European elections.

Speaking in London, he said Budapest was on the same side as the UK in EU discussions over national sovereignty, migration and cutting red tape.

“We really did regret Brexit a lot. Not because of your internal issues because we respect that. But because when the UK left the European Union, a big bunch of common sense left the European Union as well,” he said at Chatham House.

“We don’t want more competences to be transferred to Brussels. We don’t want more national competencies to be given up.

“We do believe that the United States of Europe would be something really bad. We don’t want any more federalistic European Union.”

Since Brexit the EU has pressed ahead with plans for common EU defence, which were historically opposed by the UK, and the common pooling of debt against the EU budget to fund a huge Covid-19 recovery package.

During the EU’s initially slow response to the pandemic, Hungary broke ranks to negotiate for coronavirus vaccines alone rather than as part of the bloc.

Mr Szijjarto said it proved how national governments were more effective than Brussels after holding talks with Lord Cameron, the Foreign Secretary, in London.

Donald Trump rally

Mr Szijjártó said Hungary was crossing its fingers for Donald Trump, seen at a rally in April 2024, to win the US presidency again CREDIT: Timothy A Clary/AFP via Getty Images

Eurosceptic parties are predicted to perform strongly in June’s European Parliament elections, which will herald a change in leadership of the EU institutions.

Ursula von der Leyen, European Commission president, is campaigning in the elections and wants to be appointed for a second term.

She froze EU funds to Hungary amid concerns over the rule of law and democratic backsliding in the country, which is led by prime minister Viktor Orban and his conservative Fidesz party.

“I would say that the track record of the decision makers in Brussels, including the European Commission, including the commissioners, including the president of the commission, including the bureaucrat, has been very poor,” Mr Szijjarto, who also mentioned corruption scandals at the European Parliament, said.

“Europe is in a worse shape than it used to be when this European administration entered into force in 2019. So, therefore, we would not like to see any of these top officials continue in their positions after the elections.”

‘Crossing fingers’ for Donald Trump win

Hungary has been regularly criticised as pro-Putin for opposing weapons deliveries to Ukraine.

“Weapons deliveries will not make Ukraine win,” Mr Szijjarto said before criticising EU sanctions on Moscow, which he blamed for soaring inflation and said had failed to stop the war or bring Russia to its knees.

He said the war did not have “a solution on the battlefield” and called for a ceasefire.

“If you think about beating Russia, then the only way to win the war is to escalate and risk a global world war,” he warned.

He said Hungary would block Ukraine joining the EU without guarantees for the ethnic Hungarian minority in Ukraine on issues such as language rights.

Mr Szijjarto said Hungary, which is a Nato member, was “crossing fingers” for Donald Trump to win the US presidential elections in November 2024.

He said Mr Trump was the best leader to bring peace to Ukraine and accused Joe Biden, the US president, of trying to influence Hungary’s last election in favour of the opposition.

He also defended Hungary’s close relationship with China, as Chinese leader Xi Jinping visited the country.
