Fingers crossed once restrictions are removed and international travel returns, the economy ought to emerge from Covid relatively unscathed.
Source - Daily Telegraph
17 July 2021 • 4:00pm
It’s time to take a more positive view. Let’s for the moment look through fast emerging inflationary pressures, their potentially devastating consequences for the public finances, the negative impact on trade of Brexit, rising third-wave Covid infections and the disruptions of the amusingly labelled “pingdemic” … OK, granted; that’s quite a list of things to ignore.
But while these threats cannot lightly be dismissed, there is beneath the surface growing cause for relative optimism. The pandemic has plainly been a terrible shock to the economy and the public finances, much worse in many respects than the global financial crisis of 2008-11. The contraction was far deeper and the mitigating deficit spending much bigger.
But it has also substantially been a self-induced shock, turbocharged by lockdown strategies. Policymakers have on the whole done well in keeping the patient alive through this period of enforced closure, if admittedly at vast cost to the public purse. The economy has in effect been put into cold storage and should theoretically be just as good as it was when taken out again. Fingers crossed, but once all restrictions are removed and international travel returns, the economy ought to emerge from the pandemic relatively unscathed. Beyond the public finances, lasting damage seems unlikely.
Obviously the Government is taking risks in easing restrictions even as infections begin to take off again. Thank you Euro 2020. My son has Covid, which he attributes to travelling home on a packed and seriously intoxicated Tube after watching the game in a pub.
But even if forced into a temporary U-turn, the strategy of “learning to live with Covid” nevertheless seems the right one, promising the most direct route back to a semblance of normality. The noisy scare stories and cautionary behaviour will, of course, have a long tail. They will be with us for some time to come. Yet the underlying picture will start to look increasingly positive.
As yet, that’s got very little to do with any supposed Brexit dividend. As I say, Brexit is likely to prove a negative for trade for some time to come. No, the main driver of dynamic, positive change in the economy is ironically the pandemic itself, for which the term “creative destruction” could almost have been invented.
Horribly and tragically destructive for many, it has also forced companies and individuals to re-evaluate and recalibrate the way they operate, work, and live, concertinaing what would otherwise have been five to 10 years of economic evolution into just two short years and promising a great leap forward in the application of new technologies, alternative forms of distribution and lifestyle choices. It has also forced governments to think long and hard about how to engineer greater economic resilience. Britain’s vaccine success is a standout example of the new resilience dividend in action.
The positive impact of these changes is already quite striking. Perhaps the most encouraging of them is record numbers of company formations. Some 770,000 new companies were created last year, the highest number ever, a trend that has continued into the year to date. Some of these start-ups were admittedly little more than scams designed to take advantage of the Government’s Bounce Back Loan scheme, but the vast bulk are genuine and reflective of a strongly emerging enterprise culture.
There have also been record levels of venture capital investment and very high levels of foreign direct investment. Fintech has been a particular target, culminating in last week’s astonishing $800m (£580m) fundraiser for Revolut, valuing the six-year-old start-up at more than the venerable NatWest Group. So maybe it’s a bubble, but if there is to be free-flowing investment on such a scale, you would rather have it in your own jurisdiction than anywhere else.
The big complaint in business is that of staff shortages, which is again a nice problem to have, with nearly a million vacancies on offer at the last count, another record. Much better labour shortages than a labour surplus, or at least that’s what most workers would say. As things stand they can virtually name their price.
The notable fly in the ointment in this tale of economic rebirth is rising inflation. This has quite clearly been seriously misjudged by central bankers, including the Bank of England. From the outset, these emerging inflationary pressures have been dismissed as just a transitory consequence of economies opening up after lockdown. It will soon pass, the US Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank and the Bank of England have all insisted.
But now they are not so sure. Last week, Michael Saunders joined his fellow Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee member Dave Ramsden in warning that policy may have to be tightened rather sooner than previously anticipated. The Fed has similarly brought forward its tightening trajectory.
My own experience of inflation in recent months strongly suggests that even the targeted consumer prices measure of inflation could be above 5pc in the UK by the end of the year. That would be my bet in any case. Already it has exceeded 5pc in the US, and even in the UK, the old measure of inflation, the retail prices index, is just a whisker away from 4pc. Since lots of regulated prices, including train and Tube fares, are linked to RPI, it prebakes another hefty round of price rises into the mix. Big increases in fares won’t exactly help with the Government’s back to work campaign.
Inflation on he march
Already we see evidence of wages racing to catch up, threatening a fully blown wage/price spiral. Once such a vicious cycle is established, it becomes very hard to subdue.
For both the Government and the Bank of England, it is the stuff of nightmares. For HM Treasury, rising inflation threatens a serious increase in debt servicing costs, eating deep into its ability to answer the Government’s burgeoning list of spending commitments. For the Bank of England it threatens not only the central bank’s credibility as an effective price regulator, but also its arm’s length independence from the Government. Already the Bank is under intense pressure to keep interest rates low so as to help ministers sustain the massive fiscal deficits they’ve been clocking up. With low inflation, this has been easy to justify. But overt “financial repression” – artificially keeping policy loose even in the face of rising inflation so as to help the Government fund its expenditures – would expose the whole monetary set-up as a charade.
It is therefore possible to be both bullish and bearish about the UK economy at the same time. Inflationary pressures are a sign of fast returning economic confidence. On the other hand, they could so easily tip over into fiscal and monetary crisis. But let’s for now focus on the positives. Despite the here today, gone tomorrow story of pingmageddon, things are coming back nicely.
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