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Here is a very good little article from the blue anchor blog. I don't suppose many lefties are going to make an appearance here but there are some very good points raised. This seems to be the favourite argument from Remoaners who would like us to believe that caving in to the EU's awful demands will mean no queues. Politics today are polarised but Brexit seems to be able unite left and right leaning people who believe in our country.



Sometimes you have to wonder whether EU supporters are even aware how silly their arguments sound. The latest one that seems to be getting a lot of air-play is that (wait for it…) Brexit could cause a traffic jam! Honestly I’m not making this shit up, here are some of the many recent Guardian articles on the subject…

… so … er … If we become an independent democracy again … there might be a traffic jam in Kent. Eh? Call that an argument? Then just when it seemed that Brexit couldnt get any more hellish the Guardian reported that we were heading for sandwich-geddon!

Shit got real! By the way, I’m not photoshopping these images. They are actual Guardian headlines.

1, Deliberate delays would breach three treaties: the WTO treaty, the Trade Facilitation Agreement and the Lisbon Treaty, which require the EU to behave in a neighbourly way towards adjacent states.

2, The French authorities in Calais have no intention of imposing a go-slow on British vehicles, rightly calling it ‘economic suicide’.

3, Fuck the lorries. Seriously. To save the environment we need to think globally and act locally, that means making, buying and selling local produce here, for us. Mass transportation is destroying the planet’s eco system, we should want less of it, not more.

4, Those lorries are making us poorer not richer.  As our economies have become more international and less local, the Keynesian multiplier has been bypassed, so wages and growth have declined. But when we buy, sell and manufacture locally we are paying money to ourselves. This has a cumulative wealth generating effect. This video shows how Keynes’ ‘multiplier’ works.

5, Personally I don’t give a crap about the lorries. I’m a vegetarian so I don’t think livestock should be transported anyway. All my clothes are second-hand so I don’t care if those lorries full of clothes (made by slaves) don’t move. And I am an environmentalist so I think there should be less cheap consumer goods anyway. So drive the lorries into the sea so far as I’m concerned – bollocks to them.

6, Why are EU supporters apparently terrified that there might be a traffic jam in Kent … but unconcerned that external rule may continue to be imposed against our will? It’s democracy that matters – not lorries. We must have full democratic control of all our laws and borders, because so long as we get that right, we will have no difficulty in resolving any little technicalities that may arise. What we must not do, is allow fear of technicalities deter us from seizing the glittering prize of democratic independence.
