Remember when the liberal Left supposedly championed people who never went to university? Now it seems to hold them in contempt Source - Daily Telegraph 23/11/23 When you are on the side of liberal enlightenment, you can usually rely on a university study coming along to help you make your point. Ever since June 24, 2016, diehard Remain campaigners have been trying to make out that Leave voters were too thick to know what was good for them, and finally they have the scientific “proof”. A study of 6,366 people by Bath University’s School of Management claims that 73 per cent of those in the highest cognitive group voted Remain, compared with only 40 per cent in the lowest cognitive group. To be fair to Chris Dawson, who led the study, he doesn’t quite try to make out that all Brexiteers were stupid, and says there is a large overlap, with some clever people actually voting Leave. But he does assert that an awful lot of people weren’t intelligent enough to sift through information d...