The police genuinely believe it’s their job to police our tweets, thoughts and feelings. Source - Spiked 07/03/25 Link When the police knocked on Telegraph columnist Allison Pearson’s door last year, it prompted a justified national outcry. She was told by two officers on Remembrance Sunday that she was being investigated for ‘stirring up racial hatred’ – all because of a nearly year-old tweet, in which she mistook some British Pakistani protesters for pro-Hamas protesters and railed against ‘Jew haters’. That Pearson promptly deleted it soon after apparently made no difference. When the police knocked on Telegraph columnist Allison Pearson’s door last year, it prompted a justified national outcry. She was told by two officers on Remembrance Sunday that she was being investigated for ‘stirring up racial hatred’ – all because of a nearly year-old tweet, in which she mistook some British Pakistani protesters for pro-Hamas protesters and railed against ‘Jew haters’. That Pearson promptly ...
Rishi Sunak says Britain should abandon its legal commitment to deliver carbon neutrality, and he’s right – we simply can’t afford it Daily Telegraph Link Can we make Rishi Sunak prime minister again? I ask this not because he was any good at it, obviously. But because, now that he’s no longer in the job, he’s finally figured out how to do it. Or so we must conclude from his big interview on Radio 4 this morning, in which he argued that Britain should abandon its legal commitment to deliver Net Zero. This is, of course, something that he himself could have done during the 20 months in which he was running the country. Only now, however, has he realised that we simply can’t afford it. Well, at least he’s got there in the end. Because the truth is: Net Zero was never a good idea. But now it’s a dangerous one. Even before the Government started frantically rummaging down the back of the Treasury sofa to find some extra pennies for defence, it looked far beyond our means. In fact, we ...